_____ ______________________________________________________________________
  /     \                                                              [MSC03]
 /  \ /  \                      Tips and Tricks
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\____|__  / I S C .

You may or may not have noticed that I have a bunch of neat things to say, but they're 
scattered. Well, here they are, in one place. And an additional glitch!

                                |   Gald 1   |

The earliest trick for gald is at Nam Cobanda Isle (lol late game). Basically, you gamble 
for chips. Start with the initial amount of chips (10) and keep gambling for more. 
Eventually, you'll win a decent amount of chips. Save till that amount is HUGE and not in 
danger of draining dramatically at multiple attempts at using the max bet.

Then, simply, buy up all the cheap (usable, non-equipment, though you might as well buy 
those once for the title) items and run to sell them at Yumanju. It takes a lot of trips 
back and fourth, but you'll have all the money you need.

                                |   Gald 2   |

This second "trick" is much more basic and comes later in the game. It's more geared 
towards the money earning achievement. Go to the Labyrinth of Memories and equip Sephira 
and Blue Sephira on everyone. You'd be surprised at how much money you get by the time 
you're done.

                            |   Infinite Combo   |

Two controllers needed. It's a simple matter too. Just have one person go into overlimit 
and hack away (with the minimum damage skill equipped), and have the other taunt (remember,
there are skills necessary for this). The OL gauge fills fast enough to keep overlimit 

The other method... look at grade grinding. And even then, there are other methods I've 
never even attempted. I'm sure message boards are dying to tell you. And youtube.

                                |   Grade   |


And that's the gist of it. What, that's not enough? Oh fine.

For Rita: Minimum Damage, Light Magic, OL Boost, OVL Bonus 2, Spell End skills.
          Wonder Symbol (or Shizel's Necklace) should be equipped.

For Everyone else: Taunt 2 and set them to defend. And as many Blue Dice as you
                   have equipped. I guess having Limit Bottles wouldn't hurt.

...ad infinitum. Do remember, this IS a 360, what with the RROD. So don't do it endlessly, even if you can. The FS Chains are what boost the grade up to this.

Coincidentally, without the minimum damage skill, this is more or less how you get Rita 
through the Coliseum and how you can beat the final boss cheaply.

                               |   Stealing   |

You think I'm going to say much here? Well, I'm really not.

It's as simple as going into overlimit and spamming Thievery. Perhaps with the Theif's 
Tattoo equipped.

                              |   Item Drops   |

Think of less extreme grade farming. Merely accumulate FS chains in the proper direction 
(dependant on monster type) and finish them off. The more FS chains you have, the greater 
their effect will be. Hunter's Monocle may help.

Remember this table? Or did you skip that section? :P

| Enemy Type      | Blue FS    | Red FS     | Green FS   |
| Human           | EXP^       | LP^        | Drop Rate^ |
| Beast/Magic     | EXP        | LP*        | Drop Rate  |
| Bird/Insect     | LP*        | Drop Rate^ | EXP        |
| Plant/Aquatic   | Drop Rate^ | EXP        | LP*        |
| Inorganic/Scale | EXP*       | LP*        | Drop Rate* |

* Indicates that it's more difficult to trigger.
^ Indicates that it's easier to trigger.

                              |   Invincibility   |

Other than OL 4, that is. Number one method is to use Gale Dog.

Number two is more interesting. Use the Eternal Support skill on Estelle and go into 
overlimit. Spam Force Field. The result is that, eventually, your characters will retain 
the effects of Force Field for the rest of the battle.

Oh, but be sure to avoid the Anti-Magic skill.

                               |   Mumbane Aer   |

It's... not necessarily a beneficial glitch (it won't harm your game!), but I might as well
mention it. Synth Mumbane Aer when Repede has the Aer Fragment equipped. He'll be wearing 
Mumbane Aer instead of Yuri :D 

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